I've been lacking motivation too.
Been spending quite a few days just lounging on the couch, barely feeling well enough to get up and do anything. But soggy diapers still demand attention. Hungry children still need lunch, even if it is just tomato soup out of a can and some grilled cheese sandwiches. Dirty laundry still demands to be washed, even if we tumble through baskets of clean laundry to find the desperately needed clean underwear.
I will be glad when the whole morning sickness thing is over and my normal zest and energy comes back!
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I think pregnancy hormones make me more keenly aware of other people's pain. Okay, that sounds weird, but it's either that or I am turning to mush lately.
A friend who is walking a horrible road, trying to find herself. I cannot get her off of my mind or heart.
Feeling like I MUST find a way to comfort an anxious, lonely, or scared sister, even though I am too far away to possibly do anything.
Trying to find an appropriate video clip to share with a girl contemplating abortion. She wants to see what would really happen. I couldn't even watch 1 whole minute, and I am a mess. Weeping over the pain GOD must feel. His tiny, most precious gifts torn to shreds and left broken and bleeding.
I don't usually think of myself being all that tender-hearted. I mean, I care, yeah, but I am also more of a prophet-type to say it like I see it and if you don't like it, oh well. Anyways, somehow the past few weeks, I'm feelin' it! And it's driving me back to my Father again and again.
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I'm still loving the God-spottings in my life. An unexpected day of sun when the forecast was 90% rain. New green grass. A thoughtful husband who stops for pizza on his way home from work. Coffee {as in, iced, mocha, with whipped cream, and barely tasting like coffee, lol} and a good chat with a wonderful friend. And just today I won a huge door prize at MOPS; an hour-long massage!! Another great way I wish he would show up would be in the whole potty-training-the-2-year-old department. But I digress.
I am loving teaching my little girlies to hang up laundry again. They barely remember doing it last year, and they are over the moon with joy every time I haul a basket of clothes out!
I am loving a new, tiny life growing inside me again. I am so content in knowing that God ordained it. Human reasoning may never fully understand His ways, and I am going to delight in that. And I am amazed again at how fiercely protective I become of that fragile, precious gift.
I love watching my 16 month old learning new things every day. He is like a sponge, soaking up new understanding everywhere. He dearly loves being outside, and our crazy winter-ish spring has been quite a trial for him.
I am loving dreaming with my husband about a house/property to buy. We are asking for some serious guidance from God, and tentatively proceeding with looking for the "perfect place" for our family. At the "perfect price", of course!
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Hopefully it will not be another 6 weeks before I am back to blog again!