Monday, October 24, 2011

Gabriel Joel

With great relief and JOY we announce the arrival of our sixth child, fourth son!

Gabriel Joel Zook

October 21, 2011 at 8:30 pm

9 lbs. 0 oz.

Ready to take him home

Totally falling in love with him!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Boys' Bedroom

Moving on with a few more home-makeover posts ... here's the BOYS BEDROOM. This room was one of the worst in the whole house, with smashed -out window holes in the drywall, a paint job that made your eyeballs bleed, and the nastiest stained carpet you would not wish to imagine.

Thankfully, my hubby is very handy with drywalling tools, and I have fantastic friends who enjoy watching a real make-over emerge while they paint. We still need a new light fixture, and I'd love to get a shelf/bin system in this room to organize better. And I need to try to match the curtain fabric and sew one more valance. But until then, behold the after ...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September Snapshots

I never guessed when I wrote that last post that I'd make a flying trip to the east coast for the funeral of my youngest cousin. Or that once again those words would echo through my mind, to treasure the memories and to make every moment count. It is more than my brain can comprehend to say good-by a vivacious, happy-go-lucky, giggly 8-yr. old. And I could do nothing but weep brokenly as my Aunt pulled up the covers for the last time over his little jean shorts and bare feet, and kissed him good-night. Oh, the pain! Every part of me wants to somehow make it more bearable; to dice that hurt and pain up into little pieces and distribute them around so we can all help bear it. And yet, I can't. Oh, God, YOU can! Walk with them!

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It seemed that as September crept up on the calendar, so did fall. We have been having the most gorgeous weather I could wish for! And even though this means that snowy days are just around the corner {groan}, I am loving the vibrant autumn colors!! Extreme blue skies, golden grain fields, bright pumpkins, great bunches of goldenrod in the roadside ditches, and huge mum plants bursting with color. We finally set a weekend aside for camping {in early Sept.} and it could not have been more perfect. I will admit that the more children we have, the less relaxing the camping trip is for Mama, but it's still so much fun to break out of the normal routine and enjoy each other more. We spent a Friday-Saturday-Sunday weekend at a lake not far from our house. Fishing, swimming, making s'mores, campfire cooking, sleeping in tents, and playing games. And I love the snappy mornings where we huddle around the campfire with hot chocolate with jackets and fuzzy blankets until the sun warms eveything up. {I also love husbands who run to the store the night before to buy their very pregnant wife an air mattress so she can actually sleep at night!}

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School is finally in full swing. We got a slightly late-ish start since I simply didn't get my book order in soon enough. But I think with the boys' beginning-of-the-year enthusiasm, we might just catch up anyways. I have been wrestling in my mind since last year what kind of curriculum to use this year. Ever since Josiah started kindergarden at age 5, I've just been picking up a Math book here and a Reading book there, patching together whatever works to round out the learning. But as the boys are growing older, I am finding it harder to put together a thorough, complete education with my previous slap-together methods. So this year we made the decision to try the ACE curriculum. I grew up using CLE, which is very similar in lay-out, so I can easily understand how it's laid out and how to teach it. And so far, I am very pleased. The boys love how their work is laid out in daily, weekly, and yearly goals, and they eagerly work way ahead so they can take a day off here or there to go to work with Dad. I'm sure it's plenty early to tell yet, but so far, so very good. And Christi, of course, is just delighted to be officially "learning to read"! =)

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Baby-name discussions are pretty much at the top of the list right now. Of course the children have plenty of their own suggestions. Princess, Strawberry Shortcake, and Petunia rank right up there with Frank, Junior, and George. Thankfully, their Daddy and I get the final say! =) I dug out all the newborn clothes the other day and washed them .... such fun! Tiny little booties and soft fuzzy blankets, little blue sleepers and tiny pink caps. The doctor visits are more frequent now, as we count down the last few weeks. She was pleased to see that the baby is about 6 pounds now, so the lil' punkin is growing quite well in spite of the 2-vessel cord. We have so much to thank God for! 

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Well, the hubby is home and supper needs to hit the table. Hope your evening is wonderful.
 Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Treasure the Moments

Ever since I turned 16 and began my first real job working in a nursing home, I have been impacted by the repeated admonition to "savor each moment". So many precious, frail people, in the final years of life, have nothing to do but to look back on a lifetime of memories. And they would tell me over and over again, and in many different ways, "You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't take it for granted!"

Then I started into the crazy, hectic, delightful time of having babies and toddlers. And once again, a host of grandmas and older ladies urged me, "You are in the best years! Enjoy it to the fullest, the years go by SO quickly." In fact, one of my favorite quotes has become, "The days are long, but the years are short." And it's soooo true!! How in the world did I become a mother to a 10-year-old? And however does it happen that we are about to birth our 6th child?? The years really do rush by.

Another huge reminder this week was a book I cried my way through; Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman. She lost her little 5-yr.-old in an instant. And all she had left to savor was those memories. The last stories they read. Helping her with the Barbie-doll's gloves. The night-time snuggles after bathtime. Those things are way too easy for me as a busy mom to rush through!! Quick, scrub the little bodies, dry off, night-night, love you, kisses, lights out! I'm too exhausted to sit there and brush out curls or read another story or hear their ideas of how it would be if the moon was close enough to jump to or just snuggle beside them for a few extra minutes, breathing in the fresh scents of baby soap and lotion. And yet, that is exactly where the savoring and treasuring and cherishing comes in. If I miss those moments now, I can never get them back.

And then, as if God was trying to drive a point home, I stumbled across a {country!} song on the radio as I flipped through stations in our {new-to-us} van. The words are the typical, red-neck country style lyrics, and yet, it's the same clear message,               "You're Gonna Miss This"

She was staring out the window of that SUV

Complaining, saying “I can’t wait to turn 18″

She said “I’ll make my own money, and I’ll make my own rules”

Momma put the car in park out there in front of the school

Then she kissed her head and said “I was just like you”

You’re gonna miss this

You’re gonna want this back

You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast

These are some good times

So take a good look around

You may not know it now

But you’re gonna miss this

Before she knows it she’s a brand new bride

In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by

He tells her “It’s a nice place”

She says “It’ll do for now”

Starts talking about babies and buying a house

Daddy shakes his head and says “Baby, just slow down”

Cause you’re gonna miss this

You’re gonna want this back

You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast

These are some good times

So take a good look around

You may not know it now

But you’re gonna miss this

Five years later there’s a plumber workin’ on the water heater

Dog’s barkin’, phone’s ringin’

One kid’s cryin’, one kid’s screamin’

She keeps apologizin’

He says they don’t bother me.

I’ve got 2 babies of my own.

One’s 36, one’s 23.

Huh, it’s hard to believe, but …

You’re gonna miss this

You’re gonna want this back

You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast

These are some good times

So take a good look around

You may not know it now

But you’re gonna miss this

You’re Gonna Miss This – Lyrics TRACE ADKINS

So, as I buckle into another round of school, count down the last 7 weeks until baby-day, cook unbelievable amounts of food for hungry, growing boys {my 20-month old ate 2 huge meatballs last night!}, clean cluttery bedrooms, and do untold laundry loads of jeans and skirts and pajamas, I will choose to cherish the moments. I will look into little brown, blue, and hazel eyes and smile. I will treasure the little kicks and wiggles while ignoring my aching back and swollen feet. I will give extra hugs and kisses, and remember that I hold this moment in my hand, and before it slips through my fingers like sand, I will make it into a memory. And one day when I am old a gray, I will look back with fondness and say, "Those were the best years, and I wouldn't do one thing differently."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Living Room

On our first walk-through of our new home, the living room totally made me shudder. Two navy blue walls, and 2 pale yellow ones. Paired with faded blue carpet and crumbling blinds, it was not a room you'd want to spend much time in!!

{Before Shots}

After closing on the house, a group of dear ladies and friends from church came to help paint. By the end of the day, the room was already transformed so much, and we had only done walls & ceilings!

{In-Between Shots}

 Then came new carpets, cleaning day, and move-in day. And while I have plenty of finishing touches to add {such as window treatments, an up-dated light fixture!, and hanging wall-items}, this is already one of my favorite "transformations" in the house. 

{Completed Shots}

What do you think?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ten for Ten

My oldest child turned ten last week. I cannot hardly fathom how I went from a newlywed to a mother of a 10-year old in such a short time! But as I watch him grow into such a young man that I can be so proud of, I have to admit that he is quickly leaving childhood in the dust. Don't get me wrong .... we do still have those moments when I roll my eyes and wonder if anything I ever taught him will sink in. But those moments are fading out and  I only have the mercies of God to thank that my son is growing in wisdom.

Anyways, Josiah wanted a party. A boy's party! And boy, did we have BOYS. Ten of them! He invited 8 of his best friends {plus 2 more that couldn't come. Maybe the Lord knew how many I could corral at once} for an overnight camp-out. They all arrived mid-afternoon and launched straight into an air-soft gun war. Do not even ask me why. I do not understand the mind of a male in this area. But they all thought in was tremendously fun, even the Dad. And this new property of ours has no lack of excellent war zones.

Then I packed up their picnic supper into a basket, we got them started with a campfire, and they were on their own. They loved that part, by the way. Man against the wild, I guess.

They all slept in the hay mow on beds of hay. Oh, how many memories I have of doing the same thing!! And they were all back in my kitchen bright and early in the morning for breakfast.

            {waiting for breakfast; arm wrestling}

I made 3 huge batches of pancakes, 2 boxes of sausages, and 2 jugs of juice. They all seemed mighty impressed. I am learning here! Boys + Food = a happy combo!!

As soon as breakfast was cleaned up, we headed off to a water park just 5 minutes up the road from us. This particular event had been the point of MUCH anticipation for months in advance. And they were not disappointed! Hours of fun in whirlpools, slides that left them gasping with the speeds, and huge buckets that randomly dumped on their heads. Again, boy heaven!

{the littlest boy loved it too!}

After swimming, I took the tribe to Arby's for lunch, and then returned them all to their own homes. Josiah told me over & over how pleased and delighted he was with his party. Such simple things, really, yet it's so special when they are done just for you! That evening for supper, we had chicken & veggie stir-fry over rice, Jo's request. And cake & ice cream, of course.

And after supper, the long-awaited birthday present! I caught his first expression on camera as Daddy walked through the door ....

His very own real, non-toy, guitar & amp.

Happy 10th Birthday, Josiah!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Huge Nursery

God must have a sense of humor. Giving me first armloads of babies, and now a huge nursery to put them all in! lol The nursery room at the old house was just so big enough to hold 1 crib, a changing table, and a baby. This new house has two bedrooms downstairs; the master bedroom, and another room of equal proportions right across from it. What else could it be but a sewing room, craft room, school room, nursery? I am very pleased with this room AND it's location in the house. Plenty of room for several cribs, several changing tables, a rocking chair, and of course, the humongous closet! Who ever heard of 9 1/2 foot closets? I am NOT complaining, mind you, but buying shelves and rods for these things are about the break the bank. lol  When the new baby comes along, I think Taylor will still have plenty of time and space to hang out there for a while.

When we first walked into the house, the room looked like this:

And the after {still needing the finishing touches}

And the little man himself, who has taken quite seriously after his father's great affection for cats. That trait most certainly does *not* come from his mother's side.

Good night for now. I am exhausted after hosting 10 boys here for Josiah's 10th birthday today! It was a ball of fun, but I have to say, I'm glad I'm not a mother to 10 boys.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Laundry Room Makeover

One of the real joys of the new place here is a first-floor laundry area!! After stooping into a dank, wet, nasty basement for the past six years, I am beyond delighted to have my washer & dryer just 3 feet off of the kitchen! What was not so lovely however was the previous housekeeper's idea of decor. A hot aqua/blue, with a raw, unfinished trimwork {or lack thereof}, and an old shower stall as part of the inside wall.


And here is my "after" although we are still waiting for the white cabinets that go above the washer & dryer. And then across from them where we built the new wall, is plenty of space for a set of cabinets with a counter top, and maybe a deep sink. But in the meantime, I am already loving the new, fresher look!


Monday, August 8, 2011

The Ultimate Before & After

You know how much I love before & afters? I have featured a couple of them here on my blog, and I follow plenty of other {better} blogs who feature jaw-dropping make-overs! I love it.

Well, owning a home has brought make-overs to a whole new level. Especially when said home is an unbelievable display of the most outlanding and unattractive color schemes one could imagine. And when said home has been refuge to someone's most beloved felines. Oh, double yuck!!

I am amazed at how much has been accomplished in the 5 weeks we have held the key to this house. We certainly have a long ways to go, but there are some fun before & after pictures coming up on this blog.

How about a hot pink master bathroom? Anyone?



Still needs some finishing touches, but I am so happy with how this room has turned out. And am totally being spoiled with all the storage space!!!

Hello, linen closet! Nice to meet you! Are you serious? A whole closet just for sheets and towels?? I could really get used to this!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Anybody Home??

Literally. If you knocked on our door in Kalona tonight, there would not be anybody home. Yes, alot has happened in the past couple of weeks. And simultaneously, no one has been at home on this blog either. A-hem. Yeah, you had already figured that out, right?

In early May, we found a property online that kind of appealed to us. A little further west than we preferred, and the house looked a little ... crazy. But we set up an appointment to see it. Turned out that Jason went to see it himself since I was out yard saling with a friend and totally didn't get back home in time. Jason liked the place pretty much {he didn't remember much about the house, but the barns made a big impression on him}. So we put in an offer. Six hours later someone else put in an offer too, and the owners sold it to him within hours. Done deal. Okay then. God, we accept that.

Several weeks later our real estate agent contacted us and told us that the same place was coming up for sale again. Apparently the new owner simply needed to own the property for collateral for a few days {I so don't get this whole thing} and now he wanted to turn it around and sell quickly. So, we repeated our offer, and within hours, he had accepted and all of a sudden we were home owners! And I had not yet even seen the place! lol  Neat side note here: we paid less for the place than the other buyer did. AND he had to deal with bringing the sewer up to code. Fun!

So June 29th we signed about 473 papers and walked out of the bank with the keys to our very own {A-hem, bank-owned} property! Three acres, a 5-bedroom home, huge barns, sheds, and enough wild wooded areas to keep my boys totally enthralled for weeks. We were and are so, so, so excited.

The next 4 weeks was pretty much filled to the max with either A.) packing like a mad woman at the old house or B.) painting, cleaning, and re-modeling the new one. Every night I would fall into bed exhausted, thinking that I couldn't possibly be any more tired. And the next night I somehow was even more tired. Several {kind, thoughtful} friends advised us to slow it all down and just move in several months down the road. But the idea of forking out both rent and mortgage just went down pretty hard, so we kept at it. And on July 30, we moved. Yay for lots of friends and helpers, or I don't know where we would be!!

We've been in the new place for 1 week now. Today I was reflecting back over the past couple of weeks and the feelings of being so richly blessed  began to wash over me. God has been so incredibly good to us. The joy of having a place to call our own. Space to stretch and grow. The little blessings that fit our family like a glove. The freedoms to dream and plan and hope. Oh, Jesus, we love you and thank you!

~More pictures & details coming soon. I promise! =)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just a Jumble

Wow. My poor, neglected blog! I have so lacked inspiration lately.

I've been lacking motivation too.

Been spending quite a few days just lounging on the couch, barely feeling well enough to get up and do anything. But soggy diapers still demand attention. Hungry children still need lunch, even if it is just tomato soup out of a can and some grilled cheese sandwiches. Dirty laundry still demands to be washed, even if we tumble through baskets of clean laundry to find the desperately needed clean underwear.

I will be glad when the whole morning sickness thing is over and my normal zest and energy comes back!

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I think pregnancy hormones make me more keenly aware of other people's pain. Okay, that sounds weird, but it's either that or I am turning to mush lately.

A friend who is walking a horrible road, trying to find herself. I cannot get her off of my mind or heart.

Feeling like I MUST find a way to comfort an anxious, lonely, or scared sister, even though I am too far away to possibly do anything.

Trying to find an appropriate video clip to share with a girl contemplating abortion. She wants to see what would really happen. I couldn't even watch 1 whole minute, and I am a mess. Weeping over the pain GOD must feel. His tiny, most precious gifts torn to shreds and left broken and bleeding.

I don't usually think of myself being all that tender-hearted. I mean, I care, yeah, but I am also more of a prophet-type to say it like I see it and if you don't like it, oh well. Anyways, somehow the past few weeks, I'm feelin' it! And it's driving me back to my Father again and again.

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I'm still loving the God-spottings in my life. An unexpected day of sun when the forecast was 90% rain. New green grass. A thoughtful husband who stops for pizza on his way home from work. Coffee {as in, iced, mocha, with whipped cream, and barely tasting like coffee, lol} and a good chat with a wonderful friend. And just today I won a huge door prize at MOPS; an hour-long massage!! Another great way I wish he would show up would be in the whole potty-training-the-2-year-old department. But I digress.

I am loving teaching my little girlies to hang up laundry again. They barely remember doing it last year, and they are over the moon with joy every time I haul a basket of clothes out! 

I am loving a new, tiny life growing inside me again. I am so content in knowing that God ordained it. Human reasoning may never fully understand His ways, and I am going to delight in that. And I am amazed again at how fiercely protective I become of that fragile, precious gift.

I love watching my 16 month old learning new things every day. He is like a sponge, soaking up new understanding everywhere. He dearly loves being outside, and our crazy winter-ish spring has been quite a trial for him.

I am loving dreaming with my husband about a house/property to buy. We are asking for some serious guidance from God, and tentatively proceeding with looking for the "perfect place" for our family. At the "perfect price", of course!

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Hopefully it will not be another 6 weeks before I am back to blog again!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jean Skirts, Anyone?

Does anyone else out there have such a hard time finding cute, modest, long jean skirts for your girls? Or for yourself? I sure do. Recently a friend challenged me to try making my own. I was not too convinced that I could, But I decided to try. And finding some cute pieces to work with at Goodwill for $0.25 a piece made it more fun to try. =)

Here are my first few tries.

I think each one turns out just a little better than the one before.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Looks like I'll need to be teaching this one about the perils of texting and driving. Soon!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Bibs

Last evening I was doing a little shopping online. I had a 75% off gift code to use, and really wanted some cute bibs. With 2 toddlers in bibs 3 times per day, they do wear out. So I had picked out these super-cute ones and was all ready to score a great deal. But alas, even with my 75% off code, once you add in shipping and tax, etc, my bill still would have been $17. For 3 measly baby bibs!

Okay, call me stingy or tight, I don't know, But I just could not do it. I clicked the little red x and cancelled my un-placed order. And I laid in bed then after hubby fell asleep and thought of what I had on hand ... what could I create ... surely I can do better. lol SURELY no one else wastes precious sleep time over such trivial issues!

Anyways, this afternoon over nap time I dug out my sewing machine, a couple of old flannel receiving blankets, some batting, some buttons, and an old bib for a pattern. And I have to say, I was pretty pleased with the 4 pretty bibs I ended up with for just, well, I guess they were completely free! I didn't spend a dime.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Story Time

Everybody likes a story. I hear it soo often from my children ... "Mom, please tell me a story!" I remember asking my mom or dad for a story very frequently, and the best ones were always the real-life ones from years ago.

Tonight I have a story to tell. It's kind of a long one, but I never get tired of it. So, go get your cup of tea or your soft, fuzzy blanket and settle in for a good story. Yes, I'll wait to start til you get back. And yes, you can sit right here beside me. No, you can't lay across the back of the couch ... oh, sorry, you're not my kiddoes. =)

Once upon a time about 17 or some odd years ago, there lived a very wealthy man in central Texas. He was a highly skilled veterinarian surgeon, and there was nothing he wished for that he did not have. Gorgeous mansion, private pool, 3rd floor weight room, late model cars, his own boat. Perfect family; lovely wife, 2 boys, 2 girls. But something was missing. Life lacked real meaning. He became more and more desperate for reality. Until, one day, he found Jesus. That in itself is a story for another day.

When William found Jesus, it was not a sweet little nursery-rhyme prayer that he mumbled while raising his hand at a meeting. It was a life-shattering event that changed everything. He would read God's Word and it was real. When he read about the rich young ruler, his heart was convicted. And when he understood about living simply and giving to the poor, he knew what he had to do. Often he pleaded with his family to just sell everything and live in a simple cottage, giving the extra to those in need. Mrs. William was horrified, and thought he had lost his marbles. There was no way she was going to give up her dream home and her high-faluting life-style. So William tried to think of a way to be more humble & simple. He began to sell the expensive cars, and to give up the costly weight-room equipment. Mrs. William had had enough. She filed a restraining order against her husband, and later, a divorce.

Poor William was so distraught. Daily he sought the Lord as to what to do. Finally he took a drastic step and decided to walk away. To walk the highways and the byways, sharing the love of Jesus. To become homeless and to identify with the least of these. He lost his life of ease, and became known as "Pilgrim Bill". And that is what he had been doing for years when I met him. Ragged-looking, trampy, & just a little scary. Not the kind of guy you'd want to get too close to. But his testimony of love for Jesus outshone everything else, and my dad brought William home from the side of the road to stay with us for a night. That night turned into 3 months, and later, 6 months, and our lives have been intertwined for years ever since. Again, that is a whole 'nother story, for another time.

As anyone can imagine, William had more stories to tell than we had ever heard before. He could keep an audience of any age-range completely and totally captivated for hours on end. Not only was his life before leaving Texas extremely incredible, his experiences while walking the roads could have filled literal books. And it's one of those stories I  wanted to share tonight. Yes, finally, we got all the preliminaries done, we've set the stage, and we can proceed. =)

One winter Pilgrim Bill was walking through Colorado. It was bitterly cold, and there was snow in the forecast. Bill spotted a hunter's cabin a little ways into the woods, and was delighted to discover that it was empty and would offer him some shelter during the storm. For the next several days he holed up in the cabin, spending amazing amounts of hours curled up in his 40-below-zero-rated sleeping bag reading his Bible and communing with his Savior in ways that leave me ashamed. Stopping every once in a while to fix himself a fresher mug of coffee, and peer out at the storm. Finally after 3 days the sun came out, and although it was cold, Bill felt prompted to head on out and start walking.

He had only gone about a hundred yards when he heard what sounded like a threshing machine clanking and banging up behind him. An enormous boat of a car pulled up to a stop, and the man in the drivers seat was the hugest human Bill had ever laid eyes on. He was covered in hair .... hair everywhere. Bill glanced to the heavens and said, "Lord? .... really??" "Yes, Bill," God replied.
So Bill leaned over to the window where he saw the trashiest dumpster-car he had ever seen.  A booming low voice growled, "Hello, there. My name's Grizzly, and I'm willin' ta give ya a ride if ya want." So Bill shoved and heaved his backpack into the back seat on top of a week's worth of McDonald's wrappers and baked bean cans and soda bottles and they were off. Bill soon learned that Grizzly had just been released from serving time at the Wyoming State Penitentiary for killing two police officers  and was on his way home to Corpus Christi, Texas.

Bill's heart trembled and he breathed a prayer for God to receive his spirit. He felt sure he'd be next on Grizzly's hit list when he began to speak of the things of God. But as he had done with hundreds and thousands before, Bill began to share with Grizzly the ways of Jesus and the true meaning of life in Christ. It turned out that Grizzly was very well versed .... he had availed himself of many an educational program during his years on the inside, and he knew every argument inside and out. He had no use for religion, nor for the feeble men who use it as a crutch. He made sure Bill knew exactly how disgusted he was with God and how much he did not believe in the reality that Bill was trying to share. Finally after 30 minutes or more of airing his disapproval and disgust, there was a pause and Bill turned to Grizzly and said, "You don't really believe all of that though, do you Grizzly?" Grizzly drooped a little and admitted that no, he didn't really know what he believed. Bill silently asked the Lord how to reach his heart; how to make a difference right here and now. "Ask him if he ever came close to dying", whispered God into Bill's heart. So Bill did. Grizzly nodded his massive head and agreed that there had been many-a-time when he thought it would be his last day. But, he said, one case in particular stood out to him. Bill invited him to share the story, and Grizzly did.

In his earlier days, Grizzly had been a trucker. One day he was trucking along with a D9 Cat on his trailer ... an enormous, over-weight load. He was coming down the mountains out in the Rockies; switchback after switchback, with a high cliff on one side and a sheer drop-off down the other. All of a sudden he rounded a hairpin curve to see a school bus, turned over on it's side, completely across both lanes. Little school children were spilling out of every door, and climbing out of broken windows. Grizzly had a split-second decision to make. Should he hit that bus, surely killing many little ones, or take the rig over the cliff, plunging 100 feet to his own death? He took the cliff. He fell for a long, long time. When he hit the bottom he found himself trapped under a semi truck, the trailer, and that D9. But he was alive! The little pet raccoon he kept with him in the cab for company was not trapped, and was running around the cab frantically searching for a way out. Some hours later Grizzly was rescued and he spent many weeks recovering in the hospital. He told Bill of the many parents who would bring their children by the hospital, words failing them to express their profound gratefulness for how he spared their children. And how the teacher brought her class into his hospital room to say their thank-yous and show him how much they appreciated his sacrifice. And of the humongous, enormous card that he received, with signatures of each child, and how much it meant to them what he had done. "Yeah", Grizzly commented with a tear on his face and a quiver in his voice, "I reckon that was the most special thing I've ever received."

There was silence in the old beater car for a few moments, and then Bill spoke up, "What do you think you would have felt, Grizzly, if none of those kids or their parents had ever came and thanked you for what you did that day? What if they didn't even care?"

"Well", said Grizzly, "I suppose I woulda been real sad. Yeah, terrible sad. Probably even woulda been mad!"

"Think about it then, Grizzly," Bill continued, " Jesus took the cliff for you! He saw that you were dying, and he took the death. He took it for you and you haven't even thanked him. You don't even acknowledge what He did for you, and you don't even care."

Grizzly's eyes stare hard at Bill. "I guess I never thought about  it like that, Bill. No, I never did. Boy, that's just terrible. You reckon He'd still have me? Ya think He can forgive me?" And Bill sat beside old Grizzly while tears fell down his face and for the first time he thanked Jesus for taking the cliff for him.

What a whooping and a hollering commenced to pour forth out of the old car as they continued on down the road. But suddenly Grizzly noticed that the little red needle was really pert-near droppin out of sight. So they rolled in to the nearest police station. Grizzly asked Bill to keep his foot on the gas pedal of Ol' Betsy lest she should quit running, and heaved himself into the police station. Soon he returned to the car with a handful of voutures for gas and food. They rolled into the gas station & fueled up. Bill could not believe his eyes, and finally asked Grizzly how in the world he managed to get free gas & food like that. Grizzly replied, "Well, I just go in there and tell the officers that my name is Grizzly, and I just got released from doing time in  the Wyoming State Penitentiary for killing two police officers. I am on my way home to Corpus Christi, Texas, and unless you'd like for me to settle here in your town, would you consider givin me some food and gas voutures? And they give em to me every time".

It was many miles later that Bill climbed out of Grizzly's car, and hugged his new brother good-bye. I don't think they ever saw each other again on this earth,  but I know, that when I get to heaven, I want to sit down and hear the story again, first from Jesus' perspective, and then from Bill's, and then from  Grizzly's.

After all, we all love a good story.

Disclaimer: I am telling this story completely from memory, and it has been many years since I heard it from Bill. Forgive me if some of my details are wrong.