Friday, August 6, 2010

Thoughts on Worship

My life has been ... how shall I say ... less than easy lately. To be honest, it's been downright discouraging and trying. And it's been tough for me, maybe because I am usually so confident & peaceful & even-keeled. I'm not used to being a puddle on the floor so often in one week! There's been an awful lot of thoughts jumbling around in my head the past couple of weeks. Thoughts of God, how He thinks, and of who I am. Thoughts of my needs versus His perfect plan. And try as I might to understand, it seems the more I think and ponder it all, the more convinced I become that His ways are far above my ways, and He doesn't intend for me to figure Him all out.

But one thing He is showing me, and that I am figuring out {sometimes it takes Him a while to get through!!} , is that He desires my worship. It is His love language. He craves worship like I crave affection. He needs it like I need someone to care about me. I can't exactly give God a hug or cook Him my finest meal or buy Him a big beautiful present, but I can give Him worship.

So my next question is, what is worship??  How in the world do I give the God of the Universe meaningful worship? The dictionary says that worship is showing reverence & admiration to a deity or supreme being. That's very eloquent, but I was thinking of something more down-to-earth. Are my prayers worship? The way I live my life? Is it the time I spend on my knees with my heart overflowing with gratitude & song? Maybe all of the above? I really feel like I don't do a very good job of worshipping. If my worship was the only worship God ever received, would He feel adequately loved & admired? :Blush: I doubt it. Especially if He has a God-sized need to receive it!

Then I {in such human-ness!}  said, "God, okay, I will worship you. I will do my best! But then what about all this ... 'life' that is happening!? What are you gonna do? How am I supposed to handle it?" And He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you." Grin. Wow. He is so awesome! I can't wait to see what happens next!

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