Wednesday, January 19, 2011


* Having my brother Chuck & his lovely wife Katie here for supper before they fly out to Honduras!

* The craft project we did at our last MOPS meeting. A sign that says HOME. Do you see it?

{ little side note here. I love my MOPS group! If you are a mom, do check out the local Moms Of PreSchoolers group in your area. I always come home encouraged, refreshed, and feeling like I am not the only woman in my town who runs a home full of little ones! }

* The fruits & rewards of training.

* A note in the mail from someone, encouraging me to keep on mothering with grace.

* My 7-yr. old reminding me that God is ordering our situation, because he had prayed asking God for wisdom and direction.

* Numbers on the scale creeping, ever so slowly, ~downwards~ ! Hard work & determination does pay off.

* A 13 month old who still loves to snuggle with Mama.

* A freshly-washed kitchen floor.

* Coloring Strawberry Shortcake pages with my little girls. They are just as cute as when I was 6! I'm thinking of framing some of the pages for my girls' room.

* Stir fried onions, peppers, & chicken strips for supper. Wrapped in fresh, homemade tortillas. Mmmm.


  1. I like your list! And I have to ask just what your method has been for making those numbers on the scale go DOWN? I'm just beginning the process. [Why do I ever let it go so far UP to start with? I mean, just because one is pregnant, must the weight go on? I think not, but haven't managed to avoid it so far!] Anyway, way to go, keep it up, and I'm joining you in the journey. :)

  2. Shelly, welcome to the journey!! lol =) I too am horrified how the weight goes on way too easily. After 5 babies almost back-to-back, I sure have my work cut out for me. I have tried so many diets and programs ... and have seen very little success. Right now what is working for me is some fasting, and in between fasts I try to eat a very low carb diet. So, lot of raw veggies, some boiled eggs, dried fruit, nuts, etc. The way I eat does help, I'm sure, but the bulk of the weight is leaving during my fasts. I am finally not nursing or pregnant, so that works for me. =) But for a long time, I couldn't. E-mail me if you want ... we can chat more. It's
