Friday, March 2, 2012

March Madness

Or goals. We have been in our "new" place for over 7 months now, and my kitchen cupboards which were taken apart for painting & cleaning, are still in pieces. I was so certain that within a couple of weeks I would have all the painting, glazing, varnishing, sanding, and re-assembly completed. Wrong. Somehow "life" just takes over and all my best intentions slip to a back burner, and then just fall off the burner altogther. So last week I decided, March is coming. March is the month when I will at least TRY to get those cupboards conquered.

Enter March 1. I spent much of my day {in between mothering, of course!} staining. I can't wait to see {and show you} the finished product!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good for you! I'll be looking for the pics! :-) Been enjoying your creative blog when I remember to look. I found a link on FB which helped. Love, Jean
