Friday, July 30, 2010

Complements, Anyone?

Today I told Micah {7} that he had to say 2 nice things about his sister Christi {4} since he had been rude to her.

Micah: ~looking at the ceiling as if searching for a revelation, then staring at Christi~ "Your hair would look better if you would comb it."

Me: "No, Micah. Something nice!"

Micah: "Weeellll, you have blue eyeballs."

Me: ~stifling my giggles~ "Micah! Seriously! Say something sweet and kind about your sister!"

Micah: "Ummmmmm, You are brave because you will jump off the tree branch and land on your bottom on the trampoline."

Me: "That's much better! Another one?"

Micah: "She is strong cuz sometimes she wrestles with me."

These guys crack me up daily. And any ideas for reducing sibling rivalry are much welcome! =)

1 comment:

  1. Micah never ceases to crack me up. What a great kid!

