Thursday, July 15, 2010

Speaking to God

I was mowing this morning, and as usual, took advantage of the "alone" time and extra noise to pour my heart out to God. Aloud. There's been so many conflicting thoughts running through my head & heart lately. . .

How do I approach the Almighty God when I need or want something? I recently was reading about how so many people come to God with a whole list of reasons why they do not deserve anything. I quote, "You get frustrated with yourself and angry at yourself and even hate yourself for not "getting it". It is at this point in our prayer when we are sure that God must be displeased with us for our shortcomings that we take a step of total unbelief and "ask" him for something we really want or need."

Okay, so then I should be coming to His throne with a confidence in my position of authority in the heavenlies, right? At least, that is how I'm hearing from a host of others right now. "Speak it! What comes out of your mouth is bound to occur. Just declare outloud what it is you want, and God will fulfill all your words as He shines his favor down on your life. After all, you are His beloved child! "

Hmmm. I can't quite wrap my mind around that. It seems so ... brash. Disrespectful. Could I possibly go to my earthly Dad and say, "Hey Dad! You know I am your oldest daughter, and I know you think the world of me because of how wonderful I have become! Therefore I shall boldly proclaim that you shall loan me $150,000 to buy the home of my dreams. Okay? Thanks, Dad! "

Ummmm, no. Don't think so. Then how in the world could I stand before the Throne of Heaven and say anything remotely the same? I couldn't. So how do I approach my Father? With confidence? Yes. With gratefulness? Absolutely. With humility? For sure. And with a good measure of reality. No pretending. Just me, my rescued, saved heart, and my loving Father God. I am learning so much about Him these days, and I sure hope he keeps teaching me how to commune with himself. It's something I need daily!

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